Nonton semua episode naruto kecil sub indo
Nonton semua episode naruto kecil sub indo

Nonton semua episode naruto kecil sub indo

The only really enjoyable fight was the one between Sasuke and Naruto right before the fillers began. I mean, it's cool to watch fights, but there are just way too many fights, and they drag most of them out to unnecessary lengths. The story goes like fight, fight, background story, fight, fight, even more fight, half an episode's worth of resting or journeying, fight, fight, and so on. Some fights take several episodes when they could've been done them just as good in one or two. Sure, a lot of the characters has some nice background stories, won't complain about that, but they manage to drag out everything so much. The story isn't nearly as good as the concept would indicate. Along the way, he interacts with and makes friends with many fellow ninja, fighting his way towards his dream of becoming Hokage (the leader of his village). The story follows Naruto, one of these ninjas, as he grow as a ninja, from being a stupid little prank-playing brat to becoming a fine ninja. As expected of this kind of world, there's evil people, having different goals and reasons behind their evil. Of course, since they are ninjas, they fight with weapons like shuriken and kunai as well as hand-to-hand combat. Chakra is used to perform powerful attacks which (usually) belongs to either of the five traditional elements of earth, fire, water, air and lightning. they have this power flowing inside of them called chakra. The ninjas fight by using various skills, and It's an alternate world in which ninjas live. The concept of this show isn't that hard to follow. Don't get me wrong, the show is enjoyable, but it's definitely not among the best shows out there.

Nonton semua episode naruto kecil sub indo

This wasn't the best show ever, as I had thought it would be. Everyone goes on and on and on about how great it is and my expectations for this show was equally high. To be honest, Naruto is the most overhyped show in existence.

Nonton semua episode naruto kecil sub indo